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To be Traveling in Time

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Still Dogwood
Future Histories Issue 9, 2022 (p.26)

Future Histories Issue 8, 2021 (p.20)

*82 Review Issue 7.3, 2020


The Biotechnological Body
class: The Greening of Art, Sylvia Bottineelli, 2022

Writing to me is an act of clarifying the negative space that surrounds a concept. Language is finite, and some find this prescriptive—there is a perspective that because we have a limited number of words or sounds or communicable phrases that there is a limit on what one can express with words. I disagree. I try to provoke a reaction, an affect, a certain type of mental chewing, and bypass what is right in order to get at what is true.

Future Histories is the primier arts and literary magazine at Tufts University and its goal is to uplift traditionally marginalized voices and rewrite the literary cannon. In my role as head content editor, I work with student authors to help them tell the story they want to tell, be it in poetry, fiction, or creative non-fic. Every piece is anonymously reviewed and selected by community members at open content review sessions.

(907) 639-1966